Words From a Purple Mind

Input on the important topics …to me of course

Find Out How Influential/Popular You Are

Fast Company is searching for 2010’s Most Influential Person Online. You are more influential than you think.

Fast Company created a platform where anyone can see what happens to his or her social network when people are asked to take an action. The scoring is based partly on how many people click on the link to your profile, and partly on a bonus awarded to people who get others inside their network to sign up and take part.

Top 15+ WordPress Plugins

There are currently over 9,000 plugins available for WordPress but the question is which ones are the best ones to use. Every one has their own list of what to use and how to use them. Below is a list of plugins that I have found to be the most useful:

20+ Sections That Should Be In Your Testing Strategy

The Test Strategy defines the general approach that will be employed to test the software and to evaluate the results of testing. It outlines the testing approach, identifies the required resources and communication plan and lists the deliverable elements of the project.

This Test Strategy also supports the following specific objectives:

What exactly is SubmitStartup?

SubmitStartup is a directory listing Startup Blogs allowing webmasters to choose the best startup blogs to submit their startups. It provides useful information about startup blogs such as Page Rank, Alexa Rank, Estimated Visitors, etc. It also counts the number of unique visitors coming from blog posts about SubmitStartup.

15+ Sections That Should Be In A Testing Methodology

The testing methodology is very important in any organization. This document lays the foundation for the testing group. It’s main purpose is to set consistency and discipline to the testing process. It guides you through the process by defining why testing is being done, who is testing, what is produced during the various phases, and when it testing should be included in a project.