Words From a Purple Mind

Input on the important topics …to me of course

SEO What? SEO How? Great Tips For All

Have you heard of this thing called search engine optimization (SEO)? You know the process of improving ranking in search engine results. There are lots of articles, tips & blogs out there on SEO. There are some great tips out there and since you don’t have time to read every single blog/article I thought I’d give you the quick run down of what you should & shouldn’t do:

  1. Check those tags.
    • Verify that you have tags on EVERY page for your titles, headings, keywords, hyperlinks & images
    • Verify that your title tag is no more than 60 characters.
    • Verify that your title is an eye catcher making visitors want know more
    • Verify that your meta description is no more than 155 characters
    • Verify that your keywords match the content
  2. Got a map? A sitemap that is.
    • Verify that you have a available for your visitors and the search engines
    • Verify that you have submitted your sitemap to the search engines.
  3. Check the robots file
    • Verify that you have a robots.txt file
    • Verify that you mark the correct folders as “Disallow” so the robots focus on your content
  4. Don’t cloak
    • Cloaking is a technique of delivering a certain set of pages to search engine crawlers, while at the same time delivering a completely different set of pages to your visitors. Don’t do this as it will get you banned for the search engines.
  5. Dilbert on Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  6. How’s your content?
    • Write valuable content. Visitors & search engines like valuable content.
    • Do NOT duplicate content. No body wants to click different links just to end up seeing the same content.
    • Do NOT hide text like putting keywords in your background. This is called keyword stuffing and search engines do not like it.
  7. Don’t forget the competition
    • Check how your competition is doing in the search engines, what keywords are working for them and not you
    • Check to see what their quality and quantity of incoming links
  8. Fix those file names
    • Don’t have file names for images or docs that make no sense. If it’s an image of a boat name it boat not IMG001.
    • Have images that match your keywords.
  9. Checklists & Validators
    • Checklists and validators are great to use to make sure your site is search engine friendly as well as working.
    • Verify there are no broken links on your site by using a link checker every few months.
    • Analyze your HTML & CSS to check to see if it’s up to date with the latest technology
  10. Link Building
    • Link building is great but don’t go overboard.
    • Get linked to sites that are relevant to your content.
  11. Social Media
    • It’s important to get on the social media sites because not only are they good for networking but they are also search engine friendly.

I hope these tips help you with your SEO efforts. Do you have any other tips?
